New Look
I have been making backgrounds but didn't know how to get them on my blog. I called Jana and she walked me through it. (THANK YOU JANA!) You can see my other backgrounds at http://s244.photobucket.com/albums/gg3/bigmamacarlson/ I am a beginner and some of them are just awful. Welcome Jennifer to the blogging world, now we just need to harass Bryan until he actually posts something on his blog!
Ted's Foot
Ted has been having problems with his ankle, well his whole life, but lately he can barely walk. We had a MRI done last week and are waiting on the results. The Doc is thinking surgery. Boy are we excited. We will let you know when we get the results back.
First Digital Scrapbook Page

Fossil Fest, Class Reunion, Bear Lake, Swimming Lessons
Fossil Fest is always the weekend after the 4th of July. On Thursday Night we went to the Diamondville Park for Family Night. Kacey and the girls came for the weekend so she brought Sheyenne, Madisen and Pheonix down to the park to play with the kids. We ended up losing Micalyn for about 5 minutes. It was the worst 5 minutes. She was up on top of a slide calling for help when Ted found her. After that we stuck to the booths instead of the park. One of the booths was a face painting booth. Mica got a pretty purple flower
And Pheonix got a beautiful Pink butterfly. What more could the girls ask for!
On Saturday the Fossil Fest parade took place. The LDS wards got together a made a float, well actually about 6 people from my ward, including me made the float. And then primary age kids got to ride it. The theme of the parade was welcome to the jungle. So on our float it said when things get wild, cling to home.
I don't know how wild it is but Mica wanted the pink mask and it was a pig. So Mica was my wild pig!
Pheonix was a pretty cow. Again not sure how wild the cow is.
Carson didn't want to be in the parade but changed his mind at the last minute, but he still wouldn't put a mask on! He looks pretty wild, even without a mask.
Nick wouldn't wear a mask either. But he did have fun. I walked the parade path for a little while, then I took a short cut to the triangle in town so I could watch them go by. He kept saying things like "Go get your doughnuts at Maverick" and "Parents for Sale" as he went by a group of people.
Ted had his 10 year class reunion the same weekend. I took my camera, but I didn't take a single picture. Horrible I know. Ted's brother Robert graduated the same year as Ted so he and his wife Camilla were there. I will have to see if I can get pictures from them.
While Ted had most of his family here, we were missing Kacey's husband Mike and Ted's brother Earl. We had a Family Reunion at Bear Lake.
This was the first time we had taken our new boat to Bear Lake. It fits more people, rides smoother in the water so you don't get beat up when you go for a ride and is thankfully slower then the boat Ted's Dad built. Carson had gotten a sunburn the day before while he was on the parade float. I sprayed sunscreen on the kids about 6 times while we were at the lake. Micalyn and Nick were fine. But Carson who already had a light sunburn blistered on one shoulder. I had sunscreen on my back, then I did my arms and chest (a little later) but I never did put sunscreen on my legs. Big mistake.
This is Carson's shoulder 2 days after Bear Lake.
These are my shapely Thighs the night we got home from Bear Lake.
And here is the rest of me the same day. One of these years I will learn my lesson. I am thinking it will be this year. This is the worst sunburn (as far as my thighs go) I have ever had. They turned purple. I have been walking with a limp this whole week. It hurts to have anything touch it. Today is the first day that I can walk normally. Thank Heaven!
We started swimming lessons on July 7th. The boys are in level one together and Micalyn isn't old enough for the toddler class yet so I am in the Mom and Tot class with her. Boy am I excited about that. Because of my sunburn I hurt to bad to walk and Carson was also quite sore so Kacey took Nick to swimming lessons on Monday. On Tuesday I had a chance to take pictures of Nick in the water. I am usually in the water at the same time so I don't get to watch them swim. Carson and I were not feeling up to swimming, because of our sunburns, so we watched Nick swim.
On the edge waiting to jump....
Horrible picture, I know, but he Jumped!!!

Ted had his 10 year class reunion the same weekend. I took my camera, but I didn't take a single picture. Horrible I know. Ted's brother Robert graduated the same year as Ted so he and his wife Camilla were there. I will have to see if I can get pictures from them.
While Ted had most of his family here, we were missing Kacey's husband Mike and Ted's brother Earl. We had a Family Reunion at Bear Lake.

We started swimming lessons on July 7th. The boys are in level one together and Micalyn isn't old enough for the toddler class yet so I am in the Mom and Tot class with her. Boy am I excited about that. Because of my sunburn I hurt to bad to walk and Carson was also quite sore so Kacey took Nick to swimming lessons on Monday. On Tuesday I had a chance to take pictures of Nick in the water. I am usually in the water at the same time so I don't get to watch them swim. Carson and I were not feeling up to swimming, because of our sunburns, so we watched Nick swim.

Change is good, right?
Carson and Nick have spent almost every waking hour together this summer and they were getting on each others last nerve. They started fighting constantly. It was awful. I finally could take no more. I went to the computer room and emptied it, except for the computer I have no where else to put it for now. And I (with Ted's help of course) moved Carson into the newly cleaned space. My scrapbook stuff, gift wrapping supplies and bookshelf had to find a new home. Carson has loved having his own room so far. I moved him downstairs just before the 4th of July and so far he has done very well. I was worried about him being so far away from us, his room has no windows (which still worries me), and I was worried that even though it was obvious that they needed space from each other, I didn't want to separate Carson and Nick they have shared a room for 5 1/2 years. The first night Carson slept in his new room, Nick sneaked down stairs in the middle of the night just to talk to him. They are fighting less, ALMOST no fighting at all. ALMOST! They have had a couple of sleep overs where Nick comes down to sleep with Carson, but in the morning he is always back in his room. They separated toys, movies, books and clothes by them selves and will swap with each other when they want to. So far I would say that for Carson and Nick yes, change is good!
Now comes the part about change that is making me ask is change good? My computer room is always a mess. When I don't have the time to deal with something I put it in the computer room. Now that it is Carson's room that just isn't fair. So I have a stack of recipes, pictures, operation manuals for appliances we own and other things in Carson's room and I am slowly but surely getting them taken care of. I found a stack of no bake pie recipes which seems perfect for summer so I posted 3 of them on my recipe blog. Look for more recipes of all sorts soon, I have quite the stack of them. The operation manuals I am weeding out, what we don't have anymore I have thrown away. The others, I know it is weird, but I kept. They have come in handy a few times. I filed them in the back of my file drawer. So while I still have them they are not a eye sore. I know this is good, I have been wanting to organize the chaos that was my computer room, I just didn't realize it would be right in the middle of my busy summer.
Now comes the part about change that is making me ask is change good? My computer room is always a mess. When I don't have the time to deal with something I put it in the computer room. Now that it is Carson's room that just isn't fair. So I have a stack of recipes, pictures, operation manuals for appliances we own and other things in Carson's room and I am slowly but surely getting them taken care of. I found a stack of no bake pie recipes which seems perfect for summer so I posted 3 of them on my recipe blog. Look for more recipes of all sorts soon, I have quite the stack of them. The operation manuals I am weeding out, what we don't have anymore I have thrown away. The others, I know it is weird, but I kept. They have come in handy a few times. I filed them in the back of my file drawer. So while I still have them they are not a eye sore. I know this is good, I have been wanting to organize the chaos that was my computer room, I just didn't realize it would be right in the middle of my busy summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Rochford
Ted's Aunt Viv got married!!!! On July 3rd we went to the Lincoln County Court House and watched Viv say "I do" It was fast and simple, just what Viv and Monte wanted. Ted, the kids and I were the only guests. A couple of Viv and Monte's friends were the witnesses. I worked the video camera while Ted and Carson took pictures. I will have to show Ted where the zoom is on the camera. Carson had a disposable camera so it will take a while to get those pictures posted. He got real bossy with his job. He kept telling Viv how to pose. Very Cute. We are very excited for Viv and Monte. While we have considered Monte family for years, it is great to offically welcome him to the family. We love you guys!
Happy Birthday America

We spent our 4th of July at home. It was nice. We have been traveling almost every weekend this summer (Well I have, Ted would either be working or traveling with me) so it was nice just to rest and be at home. We had a little BBQ here at the house and had our family come over. Ted's Parents, his brothers Robert and Dugan and our Aunt Viv all came over. Ted's brother Earl didn't make it, Kacey was is Colorado with her family and Roberts wife and new baby are in Florida for the holiday. We ate dinner, watched a movie then did our fireworks. We watched the City of Kemmerer's fireworks, then we watched the fire they started, then we watched the City of Kemmerer put out the fire! GOOD TIMES!

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