
Welcoming Chrislyn

This beautiful little girl is our newest addition to the family. Chrislyn Rose Carlson was born on Monday July 12th at 10:10 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long. She has been a wonderful baby, she sleeps well. I on the other hand do not. Whoever said you should sleep when your baby sleeps, was not a mother of 4!
She has been smothered in hugs and kisses from her older siblings. She has been a great blessing to our family and is truly loved by all.


July 4th

We had a great holiday! We invited the Cambrigde's up to spend the weekend. So glad they came! Our friends Paige, Ray and their little boy Daxton came over. Ted and Kelly went golfing...yes, I said it, Ted went GOLFING!

While Ted and Kelly were golfing, Jen and I did some scrapbook pages....which means Jen did all the work, I just put stuff where she told me to :)

Don't tell, but Ted actully had a really good time. When Jen and I got there to take pictures Ted had just hit his ball into the sand. Jen said to me, "oh he is gonna have to rake over the sand once he is done." Kelly must have been telling Ted the same thing at the same time cause all of the sudden we here Ted yell "Are you serious?" Then he grabbed the rake and started raking. I was laughing so hard, I had a few contractions!

We had a BBQ and fireworks on the 4th. The next day we went riding the 4 wheelers. No pics of the riding, I took the camera and forgot to take pictures.


My, How He Has Grown!

It seems like just yesterday...instead of nine years of yesterdays.
Carson had his 9th Birthday on June 4th. He got a Legos Star Wars ship and was so excited he started working on it right away. When it was finally done, we were all happy. He was alot easier to get along with once his project was done...he is so his father's son.
Happy Birthday Bud. We love you!


Newest time consuming Monster

I finally bought a laptop. I got it for Mother's Day. Now when I am on leave after I have the baby I can still work from home, but I can work from anywhere in my home!!! Yay. I have to say it has been time consuming. I have caught myself on the computer so much more now when I am home. So I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse for my family. I do know that it is a Friday afternoon and I am posting something on our blog. That never happens!



So I have come to the conclusion that I need to buy a laptop. I am talking myself into it by saying I would post more frequently, I wouldn't have to go to the computer, it could come to me. It would save me (hopefully) from posts like this one...Where I show pictures of Nick turning 7! (which happened last November)

In November we also went to Denver to see the Steelers play the Broncos. We had so much fun, I would love to do it again! We went with some friends, we left the kids home, which is still being held against us. Those kids of mine have a long memory.

Something else that I deem noteworthy from November, Ted and I found out we would be adding one more to our family! I know this is not shocking news, since I am posting this in April, but like I said noteworthy.


Catch Up, I am behind!

Here are Carson and Nick on their first day of a new school year. Carson is a 3rd grader and Nick a 1st grader, where did the time go. Carson has been frusterated in school this year. I have to admit, I have been too, who knew that the math he is doing would be so hard. I call mom quite a bit asking her for help. I talked to his teacher concerned about his frustration level and she let me know that he should be challenged, he is in the advanced class and already learning above a 4th grade level. (I am a proud mom) He was really upset when he found out you only get one recess in the 3rd grade. (Poor kid, wait til he hits middle school). Nick has struggled this year as well. The school did a test with his eyes and he has a visual traking problem. He has a really hard time reading, to him it looks like letters and words fall right off the page. I feel so bad for his struggles as I watch him. He trys so hard and does not give up. (I am a proud mom). Nick also seems more concerned with social activities then school work. How is it that they are that old? Speaking of old...

Mica turned 4! She also started preschool. Mica is loving preschool, she is learning so much and enjoying every bit of it. She is a stickler for the rules. She is always repeating rules she has learned and is keeping everyone in line.
They are studying Dinosuars this year. She told me the other day she is glad we are girls and not dinosaurs cause she wouldn't want to sit on an egg all day. She is so funny.

That is all for this week. Lets see if I can stay on a roll and update this again next week.


Where has time gone...

August. That was a the list time I posted anything. I am going to try and be better at this. Maybe set aside some time every Sunday. (I make no promises...)