
Day 28 of Carolyn

Day 28: Your favorite musician and why
oh Geez! I don't know that I have one favorite musician... I like lots of music. It also depends on my mood of what I want to listen to.  I will listen to almost anything, so I guess I will go with what I don't like.  I can't stand screaming songs, the ones where "musicians" are torturing some instrument and just screaming into the mic - not a fan!  I am not big on Jazz either.  Most everything else, I can handle.  Some in smaller doses then the others :)     


Day 26 of Carolyn

Day 26: How do you think others view you?

Honestly, I don't know if I want to answer this...

As I have gotten older, I have changed.  When I was a teenager until about the age 21, I would talk to anyone.  I would say and do anything!  I was loud, I was probably pretty obnoxious :)  And I am sure that is just how people saw me. 

At 21, I was married.  I had a little boy and one more on the way. I needed LOTS of quiet time!  I didn't leave my new comfort zone much, I became less outgoing and just felt the need to quiet and relaxation when I could find it.  So I am sure people saw me as anti-social...for those who know me, this is soooo not the case!  I love to TALK!

I used to never worry how people would see me.  Now I do, there is still that 18 year old teenager in me who just wants to do say and do silly things, but the 30 year old body that teenager is housed in won't allow it in public!!!  I know what a few people think about me, but not everyone...

My Hubs thinks I need to relax and have some fun, instead of work all day then come home and clean the house!  I agree, but I worry that if I did that nothing would get done at home and a messy house (which mine usually is) drives me bonkers!
My Kids, I am sure they think I am crazy!  I dance around the living room singing at the top of my lungs, I make them CLEAN, I commandeer the Wii so I can play Mario, I want them to wear clothes that don't have holes, have been washed and that actually match...yep I must be crazy!
Thats what I know...

What I HOPE is that people see me as reliable, honest, hardworking, loving, repectful and fun.   And if they don't then I have more work to do....


Day 25 of Carolyn

Day 25: Ten things you want to do before you die

I don't think my list is going to be very exciting!  I have no intentions of ever throwing myself out of a plane or tying a rope around my feet to dangle from great heights.  I just don't understand the need to do something that can kill you just to say you have lived...
With that I will try and narrow down what I do want to do or accomplish before I die:

10- Travel.  I want to see and experience the world.
9- Become Organized!
8- Start Jogging...The idea of jogging to me seems fun.  Just running and having time to think.  The actual act of jogging, I am still not sold on.  So I will work on that...
7- Learn to Sew.  I think I would like it.
6-  Discover new Talents
5- Start a Business of my own.
4- Make a Difference in the Lives of those around me.
3- Serve a Mission with my Husband
2- Raise my Children to be Good, HONEST People.
1- Spend Time With Those I Love


Day 24 of Carolyn

Day 24: Talk about the last "random act of kindness" you encountered

Random acts of service come in many shapes and sizes.  As I have thought about this I wasn't able to think of ANY!  Serious, not one.  Then I realized that it isn't about the size of the kind act.  Once I stopped looking for that grand gesture I was able to see the acts of kindness that surround me everyday.

 A co-worker calling me, just to see how I am.

 My children giving me a hug, cause it looked like I could use one.

A text from Ted, that just says "love you"

Friends and Family that are there to listen when I just need to vent!

I have been slacking in the "PAY IT FORWARD" department.  When I stop and look around at how truly blessed I am, I should go out and share those blessings.  Now mind you, I may not show up on your door step and offer to clean your home, but a little kindness can go a long way....



Day 23 of Carolyn

Day 23: The last thing that made you cry
When I saw Bryan get off this plane...I screamed with excitment, scaring people near by I am sure.  Then I burst into tears!  My family and I prayed multiple times a day for his safety and for him to be strong.  The scripture "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." would go through my head everyday.  There is a song that we sang in Young Womens that went with the scripture.  I would find myself humming it when ever I thought of Bryan.  I have to say I love that my kids are still praying for him now that he is home.  He had a hard time while he was away and we are still praying for him everyday.  Our prayers were answered with his safe return and I cried with Joy when I saw him step off that plane!

Day 22 of Carolyn

Day 22: Talk about the cuteness of your pet
I don't have a pet...but if I did.  I am sure it would be cute. 

Day 21 of Carolyn

Day 21: Explain how you got your scars

Well.  I have a scar on my hairline, just above my forehead.  I did a summersault down some metal plate and ended up needing stiches.  I have SEVERAL scars from my little sister, Melanie's fingernails :)  I have 3 scars on my stomach from giving birth to 3 of my 4 children.  I have a scar on the back of my right thigh from the chicken pox.  I am sure there are more, but my scars just aren't that interesting!

Day 20 of Carolyn

Day 20: A regret you have

Oh so many! Where to begin....

One of my biggest.  Not going home to see my Grandma Richens right before she passed away. It was a Saturday.  I woke up with a feeling that I should drive home and see her.  I kept thinking...NO.  I don't want to remember her like this.   Silly thought.  All day long I thought about it.  But I kept insisting that I didn't want to see her, afraid my last memory would be Grandma not knowing who I am.  Oh, how I wish I had followed the prompting to go and see her.  I woke up on Sunday to the news that Grandma had passed.  I had missed her last day.  I have enough memories of Grandma to share with my children and hopefully they will pass them on to their children, one more memory of her would have been nice to pass down.  Silly, Silly thought...

Day 19 of Carolyn

Day 19: Your favorite quote
I have many, but here is one of them:
"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails.  I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp.   I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children.   I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden.   I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder.   I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Day 18 of Carolyn

Day 18: A photo of you ten years ago
10 years ago, wow.  A couple great things happened 10 years ago.  I got married, we had our oldest child, Carson! 

So I haven't hooked up my scanner, which means I don't have a picture of me 10 years ago...
Maybe I will actually hook stuff up and put it on here later.  I have been slacking!  I do have one of me 12-ish years ago.


Day 16 of Carolyn

Day 16: A letter to someone who has hurt you lately
This one is hard.  I haven't been hurt by anyone lately.  And when I have been hurt by someone it was so long ago and settled that bringing it up would just be weird.  This would probably be better if the title was someone/thing that has annoyed you lately.  That I would be all over, so I am changing it.  I am going with something that has annoyed me lately....ready ~ ~ set ~ ~ let the complaining begin!

Dear Nintendo Wii,
While I realize that I am the one who bought you and brought you into my home (via Santa), I would just like to start off by letting you know that you annoy me!  It may come as a surprise to people at the reason for the annoyance.  It isn't because my kids are constantly playing you and haven't seen the light of day since we brought you home, because that is simply not true.  I thought that would be the case but the kids have found a balance and only play you once in a while.  It is because of several reasons, namely:
1 -The fact that I have you connected to the internet and you can find the connection, but when I go to hook up Netflix I get an error about the internet connection.  WHY CAN'T I JUST FIGURE YOU OUT ALREADY!
2 -Mario Brothers should be easier for me to play.  I am sick of being stuck on would 3!  There should be more penguins on this level to help me get through all that stinking ice!  Seriously!  I mean if it weren't for Luigi and his help, I would still be stuck on level 1.  So props for that...
3 -I have become addicted and on weekends I will spend too much time, late at night playing you.  I am proud of myself that I have contained it to weekends, but really there are plenty of other things I could be doing with my time.
Well, so I could only come up with 3 at the moment, but those are the reasons.  And while they might sound like personal issues to you, I am still blaming you.  Till this weekend, when I try to make it to level 4, I bid you farewell.


Day 15 of Carolyn

Day 15: A photo of something you ate today
I almost forgot to take a picture...oops!


Day 14 of Carolyn

Day 14: Someone who fascinates you and why

fas·ci·nate  *to capture the interest or hold the attention.

I must say, I don't use the word "fascinate" a lot.  Thinking of someone who fascinates me is a little mind boggling.  I can think of things that fascinate me.  So a Person....

Each of my children fascinate me.  The have definitely captured my interest and are holding my attention!

But I am going to go with the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.

President Thomas S. Monson - President and Prophet - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This man is truly fascinating.  In this day and age where people are inclined to do the "fashionable thing" finding someone who is steadfast and immovable is rare.  What a blessing it is to be able to hear our church leaders speak and know without a shadow of a doubt that what was said came from the Lord.  When I was younger and my family would go to my Grandparents house to watch conference, I would sit and play on the floor.  I would not often be paying that close of attention to the talks that were being given.  There were a few voices that stood out.  I would hear the voice and I would stop playing.  I would turn my attention the message that was given.  One was Gordon B. Hinkley, the other Thomas S. Monson.  I loved President Monson's stories.  I would look forward to them every year.  This man truly converses with God.  What a fascinating man!


I was talking to my mom  yesterday and made a comment about the snow.  She said "Oh you still I have snow?  Ours all melted"  mmmmmm, Yes Mom.  Sadly, we still have SNOW!


Day 13 of Carolyn

Day 13: Give pictures of five guys who are famous who you find attractive

Ted hates when I say that other people are attractive, so this should be interesting!
Famous and attractive...Drum roll please...
In no particular order:
 1. Ian Somerhalder
Pretty much, yes. Ian Somerhalder <3 I scram every time I watch that episode. 

In the age where people have gone nuts for vampires. (Which I find very weird, yet still entertaining...)  How could I not put a guy who plays one on the list.
Mr. Somerhalder plays a Vampire on CW's Vampire Diaries.

2. Channing Tatum
Dear John--love this. I would never have written him a Dear John movie

"Dear John"...need I say more?

3. Mark Walberg
"Nick Mephis" (Michael Pena) w/Walberg in "The Shooter" - Pena great Walberg sidekick in this film.

 Oh, Marky Mark.  How far you have come.  And thanks to the movie "Shooter"  I no longer think of you as the weird rapper with his tighty-whitey's hanging out....

4. Ryan Reynolds
The Proposal-great movie, made me laugh my head off. Betty White& Sandra Bullock were awesome- so funny!
"The Proposal" anyone.  Funny and nice to look at 

5. Hines Ward
#86 Hines Ward, the Steelers' All-Time Leading Wide Receiver.

 Mr. Hines Ward.  #86 for the Steelers.  He is not only one of my favorite players but not to bad to look at either.  Win-win situation in my book.

So There we have it.  5 attractive and famous guys. (in my book)


Day 12 of Carolyn

Day 12: Your highs and lows of this past year

Wow,  talk about a roller coaster ride!  The highs and lows... I remember more high's then low's so I guess that is a good thing!  And there are some that I think well, that might be considered a low but then again not really.  So how about a conflicted High/Low?  I will start with it:

My Brother Bryan was deployed to Afghanistan.  The fear and worry that went with that ~ LOW.  The amount of gratitute and love I have for him making the sacrifice for those he loves ~ HIGH!

My Mother in Law has MRSA infection and had to go several months with out a hip.
I have struggled with the balance of work and family - a personal low point for me.  The struggle continues....

We welcomed a beautiful Daughter to our family (8 months ago ToDaY!)
Nick was Baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  (Icing on the cake....Uncle Bryan was there and Nick was Baptized with his good friend-CoUsIn ~ BEN!)
Uncle Bryan has been deployed for a year now...SUPER HIGH
My Mother in law has a hip again and is recovering nicely! :)
We had family come visit this summer, which I loved!  I love having family come and stay with me in Kemmerer.  I miss home and bringing a bit of my "home" to my new home makes me giddy!  The Cambridge Family came for the 4th of July
My Mom came after I had Chrislyn to help me out.  THANK YOU!

Lots of Family came when Chrislyn was blessed -

No Pictures but MELANIE came and brought her girls.  A HUGE THANKS to her for coming and watching my kids for a week when I went back to work. 
I had the summer off of work ~Thanks Chrislyn ~ and I was able to enjoy the summer with my kiddos.
Our Family was able to go on "mini-trips" with some good Friends of ours. Our adopted family - -
I hadn't seen my Friend Beth in almost a year - She came for a visit.  LOVED IT!
So those are my highs and lows.  I am sure there are more...But that would make me think!!


Day 11 of Carolyn

Day 11: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
mmm....move or visit.  Well since I married Ted I have come to grips with the fact that we will probably live in Kemmerer our entire lives.  So let's go with places I would like to visit.
There are LOTS of them. I want to travel (almost) everywhere.  I would love to be able to take the summer and see what each state (the lower 48) has to offer.  I think it would be so fun just to take off on the road and give my kids a hands on history lesson of the US.  (I think it would be fun now, an entire summer driving with children....maybe not!) I would love to go to Alaska and Hawaii.  Australia and New Zealand are on the list.  Canada... I went but just as far as Niagara Falls, it was pretty so I wouldn't mind seeing more.  Europe, that would be fun. Parts of Asia, Africa and South America. (Just not the scary places....) Oh, our friend Zac just got back from a long trip, he recommends Iceland, go figure.  Says it is gorgeous there. So now I just need someone to bank roll this and I will be on my way.  I take check, cash and any major credit card!  Who's up for it?!

Day 10 of Carolyn

Day 10: Bullet your whole day

Oh Wow!  This should be exciting....Time to bite your nails and sit on the edge of your seats!!!
  • 5:18 -Rise and Shine!
  • 5:19 -Made Chrislyn a bottle
  • 5:21 -Got on Facebook
  • 5:43 -Logged onto my Blog
  • 5:47 -Logging off so I can go take a shower.
  • 5:47-8:00 -Showered, got ready for work, washed 2 loads of laundry (folded one load),  Got boys up and ready for school, Breakfast, made lunches, picked up the living room, Went to Paige's house to let out her cat and take care of dogs, took the boys to school and went to work.
  • 8:00-4:00 -CONFIDENTIAL (I was at work doing confidential things....except for at 3:00 when I took a break to go get my boys from school)
  • 4:00-5:00 -Got off work, went and picked up the kids from Grandma Sherry ~after I shoveled her walk.  Went back to Paige's and took care of her cat and dogs ~after I shoveled her walk.
  • 5:00 -HOME!
  • 5:00-ish  Checked the kids back packs, picked up EVERYTHING that just got DUMPED off at the front door when the kids came in.  Changed into comfortable clothes. Made Chrislyn a bottle.  Looked at stuff to make for dinner....yep you guessed it, haven't been to the store so they get Breakfast for Dinner! 
  • 6:00 -Dinner. ~waffles and bacon.  The kids kept saying "oh, I just love eating PIG for dinner"
  • 6:30 -Watched the episode of "Off the Map" that I didn't have time to watch yesterday ~Thanks HULU!
  • 7:15 -started updating my bullet list on the blog...
  • 7:18 - Decided I have more to do, so I can finish bulleting my day!
  • 7:20-7:40 -Washed Dishes
  • 7:40-8:00 - Danced around the living room with the kids...I am exhausted!
  • 8:00-8:30 - Got stuck on the phone with a chatty lady from my ward, Thank heaven Chrislyn started screaming :)
  • 8:30-9:00 -Got the kids ready for bed and picked up around the house.... AGAIN!
  • 9:00 kids in bed.  Ted called.  I talked to him for a while, then I went to bed.
Told you it would be exciting!


Day 9 of Carolyn

Day 9: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs that pop up

1- Dynamite by Taio Cruz
2- Down by Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne
3- DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher
4 - Solo by Iyaz
5- Break your Heart by Taio Cruz ft. Ludicris
6- Rhythm of Love by The Plain White T's
7- Raise Your Glass by Pink
8- Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
9- Marry Me by Train
10- Just the way you are by Bruno Mars

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Day 8 of Carolyn

Day 8: Something you miss
As I have thought about this, I realize I miss a lot of things.  I miss a good nights sleep and I really miss my waist!  I miss the smell of a hayfield after a rainstorm, I also miss the smell of fresh homemade bread.  I miss summer time after a long cold winter.  I miss people.  I miss my family when I am not around them.  I miss my Grandparents, I cherish the memories I have.  I miss sitting in Grandma and Grandpa Richens' back yard eating black walnuts that had fallen from the tree, I miss sledding down their hill in the winter and warming myself by the fire in their garage.  I don't remember as much about my Grandpa Perkins, but I remember him sitting in his chair when I would go to their house after school.  Grandma would make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I would climb in Grandpa's lap to watch TV.  He would call me wiggle worm, cause I wouldn't hold still.  I remember his laugh and the way his eyes would twinkle when he smiled.  I miss that. 


Day 7 of Carolyn

Day 7: Bible verse

Helaman 5:12
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

~I am aware that Helaman is not in the Bible, but this has been one of my favorite scriptures since I can remember. 


Day 6 of Carolyn

Day 6: A place you've traveled to

I have never traveled to far off places.  Some days I day dream about it...

Our trip to Niagara Falls was breathtaking.  I loved it.  Who would have thought watching water move could be so entertaining?  I loved looking down and seeing multiple rainbows.  From the Canadian side, I loved looking across and seeing the American Flag proudly blowing in the breeze.

There is one place we stayed at on our trip.  We didn't stay long but I took several picures in a very short amount of time.  We got to town late at night and I didn't know where we were staying...If I had known I would have planned better.  The next morning we get up to leave the first sign I see says:
 Yep.  We were in PERKINS, Ohio!  The next few pictures I took hanging out the window on the way out of town!

 (these are every where, but I found it funny, the Perkins Resturant in Perkins, Ohio)

That is the Perkins Fire Dept. 

Day 5 of Carolyn

Day 5: A picture of something that makes you happy

This one  has really made me think... What makes me Happy?  Well after waking up this morning in a hotel, HOT WATER makes me happy!  I went to get in the shower and turned the water to hot.  It was cold, ARCTIC cold.  I turned it to cold thinking maybe the faucet was reversed...it was cold.  (ironically warmer then the HOT side, but still cold!)

A clean house makes me happy.  At my house, it is rare, but I am able to relax.  Which I might add makes everyone in my family happy!  My kids getting along, a nice spring day, a family walk in the summer time.  (usually ends with me getting a shaved ice!) all of these things make me happy. 


Day 4 of Carolyn

Day 4 of Carolyn:  A song to match my mood....

Here is the song that has been stuck in my head the past little while, must match my mood!

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Day 3 of Carolyn

Day 3: Your parents
Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there was a young woman named Mary who had come home from college for a visit.  There was a ward BBQ at the park.  She and her friends walked into the park and a young man named Joe noticed her and thought...She looks like the leader of a gang.  Mary saw the young man and she thought...wow, he looks like a ghost.  Sounds like a match made in HEAVEN to me!  A gang leader and a ghost! 
After 36 years of marriage, I bet they would still notice each other walking into a crowded park!


Day 2 of Carolyn

Day 2: Your first love

I have been thinking about this all day.  My first love... 
I know I had crushes in school.  There were a couple boys that I might have even considered marrying.  But was that my first love, I am unsure.  So I will go with my first TRUE love!  How did I know it was true love?  How does anyone know?  What makes the person you decide to marry any different from the guys you have chosen to date in the past?  I think it helped that we were friends first.  When I first met Ted, I knew he wanted to date me.  I was NOT interested!  I let him know in the nicest way I knew how.  I decided we should be friends, he agreed.  I tease him saying he was like mold, he never went away and eventually he grew on me!  

I am glad that he decided to stick around....


Day 1 of Carolyn

Day 1: Introduction, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts....

Hello!  How is that for an introduction?  I am trying to do my life in 30 days.  Let's see if I can find 15 interesting facts about myself, shall we!

1- I love my Husband.  I find that he annoys me almost everyday.  But I couldn't imagine my life without him.

2- My kids amaze me everyday (x4)!  The things they say and do are a joy to me.  Even when at the time I wish they wouldn't say or do certain things.

3- I love my Brothers and Sisters.  I am grateful that some of my best friends are the ones I was lucky enough to be raised with.

4- I think the Uintah Basin is one of the most beautiful places in Utah.  Weird I know, it is a different kind of pretty.  It isn't a place that someone would look upon and be left breathless.  But it is HOME!  I feel a comfort and familiarity when I am there the that is beautiful to me.

5- I hate Vegetables!

6- I like the taste of fruit, but refuse to eat it because the texture makes my gag reflex come into play.

7- I am addicted to playing Mario Brothers on the Wii.  It's true.  I was awakened at 4:00 in the morning a couple weeks ago, instead of going back to bed.  I got up and played Mario until 7!  What has this world come to?

8- I miss my High School friends.  I am grateful that I have wonderful friendships that have lasted from my school days into my 30 somethings....

9- I love being in the Young Women's.  Sometimes I think I should be released so that my Wednesday's and less hectic, but I would probably feel so lost that I would show up at the church on Wednesday's anyway!

10- My Mom is one of my best friends.  I tell her everything.  I think about it now and I laugh, I hope that when my girls get older they tell me everything.  Just like I told my mom.  I also hope that I handle it as well as my mom did.  Never quick to judge, she just listened. 

11- I am thankful for my Dad.  Even now, as I am a parent myself, I find myself wanting my Dad's opinion on things.

12- I miss my Grandparents.  I loved them all.  I wish I had known them better (or at all). 

13- I am jealous that all Chrislyn says these days is "DA DA DA!"  Just once I want to hear her lovely voice say "MA MA MA!"

14- I have a hard time putting myself out there, leaving my comfort zone and making new friends.  I am never one to just walk up to someone and introduce myself.  With that said...when I do make a new friend they are some of the greatest!

15- I love the Gospel.  I love the joy that it brings to my life.

So there we are.  15 facts about me.  It was easier thinking of 15 then I thought!

30 Days of Carolyn

I saw this on another blog and thought I would try it out.  If history is any indication of how this goes...It may take more then 30 days for me to get things posted :)
Day 1: Introduction, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Your first love
Day 3: Your parents
Day 4: A song to match your mood
Day 5: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 6: A place you've traveled to
Day 7: Bible verse
Day 8: Something you miss
Day 9: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs that pop up
Day 10: Bullet your whole day
Day 11: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
Day 12: Your highs and lows of this past year
Day 13: Give pictures of five guys who are famous who you find attractive
Day 14: Someone who fascinates you and why
Day 15: A photo of something you ate today
Day 16: A letter to someone who has hurt you lately
Day 17: A youtube video
Day 18: A photo of you ten years ago
Day 19: Your favorite quote
Day 20: A regret you have
Day 21: Explain how you got your scars
Day 22: Talk about the cuteness of your pet
Day 23: The last thing that made you cry
Day 24: Talk about the last "random act of kindness" you encountered
Day 25: Ten things you want to do before you die
Day 26: How do you think others view you?
Day 27: Picture of your family
Day 28: Your favorite musician and why
Day 29: A photo of you as a child
Day 30: Something you learned (if anything) about yourself in the last 30 days