
Day 24 of Carolyn

Day 24: Talk about the last "random act of kindness" you encountered

Random acts of service come in many shapes and sizes.  As I have thought about this I wasn't able to think of ANY!  Serious, not one.  Then I realized that it isn't about the size of the kind act.  Once I stopped looking for that grand gesture I was able to see the acts of kindness that surround me everyday.

 A co-worker calling me, just to see how I am.

 My children giving me a hug, cause it looked like I could use one.

A text from Ted, that just says "love you"

Friends and Family that are there to listen when I just need to vent!

I have been slacking in the "PAY IT FORWARD" department.  When I stop and look around at how truly blessed I am, I should go out and share those blessings.  Now mind you, I may not show up on your door step and offer to clean your home, but a little kindness can go a long way....


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