
Those Crazy Kids of Mine

Ok, I love my kids but sometimes...I still love them. So we got our school pictures back today. I am considering retakes, I totally bribed the kids so they would do there best smiles. It backfired. I told them if they smile nice that I would take them out for ice cream. Carson and Nick came home from school and said they smiled really nice. So we went out for ice cream. Next year I am going to wait until I see the pictures before I reward them. In Carson's smile all you see are gums and Nick looks like he is about to attack. As for Micalyn, I am just glad her head is up and her hands aren't in her mouth. I love my kids!


Some good old fashioned SNL

I watched this 2 weeks ago when it aired on SNL. I thought it was so funny I watch it like 2 times a week.


Micalyn is Three

My baby turned three years old today. She has been talking about her birthday for a while, Ted and I hadn't mentioned it much so I was amazed when she would say how her birthday was coming. This morning when she woke up I asked if she knew what today was? When she got a twinkle in her eye I told her it was her birthday. Micalyn smiled and said in the voice of an angel "Oh, Thank you Mommy." How precious is that. She was quite excited for the birthday events to start and said she wanted cake for breakfast. She was heartbroken when the cakes she recieved were flat and covered with syrup. Micalyn was even more bewildered when her guys, Carson and Nick, left to go to school and I had the nerve to go to work. It was her birthday, how come we were leaving her? As soon as I got home from work, Mica asked for cake. She had to wait of course for her brothers to come home from school, her Grandparents and Aunt to arrive, her friend from Church to come and play, and her Mother to finish the cake. Ted and I were able to keep her attention else where for a while but I thought the clock would never strike 5:00. Arianne, Mica's friend, and her Brother Brayden came to play with Mica and her guys. Mica and Arianne were dressed up and sleeping Beauty and Snow White. The boys played Army. When everyone had arrived the kids made themselves some pizzas. (I let them add there own toppings and sauce and cheese.) And I made pizzas for the adults. I ended up making 4 big pizzas because I thought Ted's brother was coming, but it turns out he had to work late. So needless to say we have lots of leftovers. After dinner the kids played some more, then it was present time. Micalyn was so cute. She posed for pictures with her gifts and when she had opened all of them she said, very sweetly, Thank you for coming to my party and bringing me presents. It was so cute. I asked her what today was and she said The best day ever. What a little lady. A true Princess. I love you Micalyn. You are a true joy in our home and a precious angel. In 13 years, don't forget that you love me too. Happy Birthday my love.


Nick at his Dental Appointment

Nick had to be put to sleep to have some dental work done. The poor kid had to have 2 baby root canals and crowns, then some other cavities fixed, they also cut that thing at the top of his mouth that hooks that lip to the gums. It was too low and the Dentist said it would make his adult teeth gap and that it can affect his speech. HE IS SO SORE! I feel so bad for him. But before they took him back I got the video of him feeling just fine!

Just Everyday Stuff

The kids and Ted went out and enjoyed the 4 wheeler up and down the alley a week or so ago. They sure had fun. I just wish we owned some land so they could just ride all over the place. Oh, well. They had fun anyway. Last Wednesday I went on a field trip with Carson to Fossil Butte (The Fossil Fish capital of the World) just outside of Kemmerer. The Moon was shining that morning and Mica was so happy I just had to take a picture. Poor Carson got hit (by accident) in the nose by another student and got a bloody nose. He had tissue stuck up his nose for most of the ride out to the butte. We hiked 1.5 miles with 15 second graders, to say the least, it was fun. Then on Friday of last week we went over to see Ted's parents and they had bought Carson a new bike, I couldn't believe it. But Carson was sure happy about it. We bought Mica a princess dress because....SHE GOES POTTY IN THE TOILET!!!! I am super excited about that. Today I took the day off because Nick had to go to the Hospital for dental work. Boy was that FUN! He did very well. He got really silly when they gave him the, well silly medicine. Then I carried him back into the procedure room and held his had until the gas but him to sleep. An hour and a half later he was not a happy camper. He is pretty sore right now. The poor kid. I got a video of him on the good stuff. I will post it too.


Weekend Fun!

BEFORE...DURING...AFTER!...Ted stained the deck last weekend. Isn't it pretty. Ted kept mentioning that we needed to stain the deck, but I didn't pay attention. After he was done I couldn't get over how awesome it looked. So GOOD JOB, Big T. I am only going to say this once, but it is in writing so it has to count for something...YOU WERE RIGHT. The deck needed to be stained.


Dear Mr. Obama

I am in no way posting this to push my opinions onto others. I saw this video on a blog and I teared up.

Don't vote for the popular thing, we all know that fads come and go. Vote for who you believe in, vote for whom ever makes the most sense. Vote for you, vote for your family, vote for your children and their future.

Ted's Craftiness

Ted came home from work last Saturday with gifts for the boys. The boys were excited! Mica and I are wondering when it is our turn?

The tale of the tooth

Carson has lost his 5th tooth. He actually lost it last Sunday, it has just taken me a week to post it.Here we go, step by step (ALMOST). This is Carson, showing me his loose tooth. This is where we thought maybe eating an apple would help his tooth come out. It didn't work, he wouldn't use his lower teeth to bite it.This is where we lost a step, I couldn't watch as Ted pulled the tooth :-) So This is just after.And WHA-LA! Another visit from the tooth fairy is on the way!

Are you a Mother Who Knows?


Enrichment Idea

I was telling Mom about these blocks I had seen and thought would be a good Enrichment Idea for Christmas. I think they might be somewhat expensive for some of the Women, I will have to find out. On the website it says $17.00 for each project. That can get pricey! What do you think? If your Relief Society was offering these would you participate? or are you sick of crafts?


Where my friends at?

Micalyn is missing Kruz. We need to come visit soon because I think she is afraid Kruz will forget her. Almost everyday she asks "where my friends at?"Mica's other best friend is Pheonix and she is constantly asking when they can play again. So we will have to make the trip to Grand Junction soon so she can play.

Micalyn is a true artist...

It is kind of hard to see but Micalyn drew her family on a sheet of paper. I was so proud of her and excited that she was already drawing so well. She will tell you what she is drawing, like these are the eyes and this is the mouth, stuff like that. Well I may have over praised her because the next thing I know there are little drawings EVERYWHERE.It is kind of hard to see in the picture but this is one of the many people that she drew on the walls.Here is another drawing on her dirty high chair tray. (she calls the tray her "lid" it is kind of cute, when she sits in her chair she says "okay, put my lid on"...off the subject at hand, but still cute.) I don't know what to do with that girl!

Carson's Bike Update

We have given up on finding Carson's bike. The police have not been able to find it either. It makes me wonder about who stole it. And what parent doesn't realize that there is a new bike at their house and doesn't question it. Seriously. It is getting to be that time of year when bikes are stored away anyway, but the poor kid loved that bike.


Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparents and grandchildren,
Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past,
With the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part.
~Author Unknown


I have a new calling...

ENRICHMENT LEADER!!! if you have any ideas send them my way. Thanks

Winter has come to Wyoming! (but is it just a tease?)

I looked out the window and what did I see. Labor Day had brought us such a sad surprise. Snowflakes falling right before my eyes.The kids enjoyed the snow for a little while. By the afternoon the snow was gone and the cold weather had settled in for a brief stay. It isn't too cold here, we did have to turn on our heater again, but it definately feels like fall. There is a familier bite in the air. I am gloomy about it, Ted is thrilled. He is Fall and Winter, I am Spring and Summer. If only the Fall and Winter wouldn't take so much of my year. Spring is always late and Summer is too short. (It snowed here on June 11th this year!) I am dusting off Soup recipes and have turned my oven back on. The kids are excited about that, so it Ted. The oven back on means, that there will be home baked goods around the house again. So I guess the weather change isn't all bad. I just wish it would take it's time and not rush right into the snow.

Bring your children to work day

Thankfully whenever I don't have arrangements for my children I am allowed to bring them to work. That saves me on the stress of "What do I do with MY kids", it does however give me the stress of "What am I going to do with YOU kids" Last week, the day before school started to be exact, I went to work and found out Connie wasn't going to be there that day. The Afton office, which is the head office, asked if I could work all day. I informed them that I wouldn't have childcare after 3:00 when Ted went to work. That was fine with them, bring the kids along. It wasn't so bad this time. They behaved wonderfully. They weren't too noisy during the client's session, I brought a movie and they sat in my office and watched it. Mica stamped some papers, Carson and Nick helped me shred old files and they actually listened to me. It was fun. Wouldn't want to do it everyday, but once or twice a year wouldn't be bad.