
Day 16 of Carolyn

Day 16: A letter to someone who has hurt you lately
This one is hard.  I haven't been hurt by anyone lately.  And when I have been hurt by someone it was so long ago and settled that bringing it up would just be weird.  This would probably be better if the title was someone/thing that has annoyed you lately.  That I would be all over, so I am changing it.  I am going with something that has annoyed me lately....ready ~ ~ set ~ ~ let the complaining begin!

Dear Nintendo Wii,
While I realize that I am the one who bought you and brought you into my home (via Santa), I would just like to start off by letting you know that you annoy me!  It may come as a surprise to people at the reason for the annoyance.  It isn't because my kids are constantly playing you and haven't seen the light of day since we brought you home, because that is simply not true.  I thought that would be the case but the kids have found a balance and only play you once in a while.  It is because of several reasons, namely:
1 -The fact that I have you connected to the internet and you can find the connection, but when I go to hook up Netflix I get an error about the internet connection.  WHY CAN'T I JUST FIGURE YOU OUT ALREADY!
2 -Mario Brothers should be easier for me to play.  I am sick of being stuck on would 3!  There should be more penguins on this level to help me get through all that stinking ice!  Seriously!  I mean if it weren't for Luigi and his help, I would still be stuck on level 1.  So props for that...
3 -I have become addicted and on weekends I will spend too much time, late at night playing you.  I am proud of myself that I have contained it to weekends, but really there are plenty of other things I could be doing with my time.
Well, so I could only come up with 3 at the moment, but those are the reasons.  And while they might sound like personal issues to you, I am still blaming you.  Till this weekend, when I try to make it to level 4, I bid you farewell.

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