Welcoming Chrislyn
This beautiful little girl is our newest addition to the family. Chrislyn Rose Carlson was born on Monday July 12th at 10:10 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long. She has been a wonderful baby, she sleeps well. I on the other hand do not. Whoever said you should sleep when your baby sleeps, was not a mother of 4!
She has been smothered in hugs and kisses from her older siblings. She has been a great blessing to our family and is truly loved by all.
July 4th
We had a great holiday! We invited the Cambrigde's up to spend the weekend. So glad they came! Our friends Paige, Ray and their little boy Daxton came over. Ted and Kelly went golfing...yes, I said it, Ted went GOLFING!
While Ted and Kelly were golfing, Jen and I did some scrapbook pages....which means Jen did all the work, I just put stuff where she told me to :)
Don't tell, but Ted actully had a really good time. When Jen and I got there to take pictures Ted had just hit his ball into the sand. Jen said to me, "oh he is gonna have to rake over the sand once he is done." Kelly must have been telling Ted the same thing at the same time cause all of the sudden we here Ted yell "Are you serious?" Then he grabbed the rake and started raking. I was laughing so hard, I had a few contractions!
We had a BBQ and fireworks on the 4th. The next day we went riding the 4 wheelers. No pics of the riding, I took the camera and forgot to take pictures.
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