
Our Day at the Beach

Yesterday we went to Bear Lake. Ed, Sherry, Earl, Dugan, Daniel, Jana, Tyler, Kailey, Melanie, Emma and some friends joined us. I felt bad, I didn't think we had enough visiting time. I would have loved to visit with the family a little bit more. Ted, Mica, our friend Jill and her son Jordan and I went for a ride in the boat. We found Dugan "broke down" in the middle of the lake and it took extremely long to get back to the beach. I think Ted was just taking his time and relishing the moment as our Ford powered boat towed the Chevy powered boat back to shore.(FYI: Mica and Jordan held hands during the entire boat ride, He is cute and could be quite the catch!)When we got back to shore everyone was ready to leave. SORRY! I have some pictures of the day in the scrapbook below. Melanie and Jana, Sorry I didn't take any pictures of you. Next time we will do a photo shoot!
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Thanks for coming, maybe next year we will get more family and friends to join us and less wind. Wouldn't that be great!



I have to admit that I watch "Pride and Prejudice" about once a week. I watch a little each night before bed (it is a long movie, it could take one week to watch it) and I was thinking about songs, and the memories attached to them. Weird I know that suddenly all my blogs are about music. But when I hear certain songs I can see things. Like Elizabeth Bennett walking in a field while reading a book, Maria twirling without care on a mountain top, Nathaniel Poe telling Cora "I will find you" or a Hymn being played beautifully and peacefully while chaos ensues all around the musicians as people try desperately to abandon the Titanic. I hope some of these songs bring back a memory for you.

They really do love each other!!!

The kids and I were going to ride our bikes to School and work today. I would pull Mica behind me in her "carriage" and we would ride to the Elementary and drop the boys off and then on to my work. I thought it would be fun and give us some exercise. Ted and Carson went over to Ed and Sherry's house last night to get Carson's bike and it was gone. Someone had stolen his bike. (Luckily Mica's Mustang was still there!) Ted and Carson called me to tell me about it and Carson was understandably upset. Ted told him they would drive around looking for the bike. I told Nick what had happened and he was more upset then Carson. He kept saying "How could someone do this to my brother?" He cried and said when he grew up that he would find who stole the bike and get the bike back for Carson. When Carson and Ted got home (without finding the bike) Nick hugged Carson and said that they could share Nick's bike. How awesome. Carson smiled, hugged Nick back and said "Thanks, Buddy." Wonderful. My boys really do love each other.


Telephone Converstions with Dad

Ted calls the kids and leaves messages for them while he is at work. Every time Mica gets a message, she talks to the phone just like she would if Ted were here. Enjoy!

Nick is a Thinker

Nick was mad at me earlier in the week and he told me "When I grow up I am moving out! and you can't come visit!" I told him I was heartbroken and I hid my face so he though I was crying. He quickly added "I was thinking that when I am older and married, to Emma, that she would get jealous. I love you and I love Emma, but if you came to visit, Emma would know how much I love you and she wouldn't like her husband to love other women." He went on the tell me that he would send me pictures of his furniture and that if Emma had some errands to run, maybe I could sneak over. So while he was saying those things to hurt me, when he thought he actually did make me feel bad he changed is tune. He is a quick thinker. Blaming it on Emma. Funny and Cute!


Pictures from our Weekend

Dugan playing the drums at the Relay for Life
Carson thinks the Music is pretty good!Carson is just monkeying around.Nick likes to work while he plays and was busy "building" the rest of his house.Have you ever looked up and noticed a near perfect moment. This was it, over the weekend, a little piece of heaven!

First Day of School

The first day of school has come. This morning I woke up thinking that what ever could go wrong would. I wouldn't be able to get the kids ready on time, I would forget to pack them something they needed, ect. Not true. We were all up, including Mica, and ready with half an hour to spare.Nick was off to Kindergarten! How could this be? Surely my children can't be growing up that fast. Although I couldn't get him to cooperate while I took pictures of him, I think he was excited to start this new adventure in his life.And Carson, My 2nd grader, he was so wonderful. Talking to Nick and telling him things about school. He is an awesome big brother. Carson is also very excited about the fact that in 2nd grade you get to learn about Dinosaurs!!! The best part of this morning! Carson was leading Nick to his classroom. Showing him the way and giving him brotherly advice! (this is the part where Mom teared up!)The saddest part of this morning was when Mica realized that she would not be attending school with the boys. She asked where her desk was in Nick's room, and was ok when we said this was Nick's class and she didn't have a chair here. When the same thing happened in Carson's classroom I think it was too much. She broke down into tears, realizing that we had run out of classrooms and still she had no seat. She is still crying 45 minutes later, as I type this post. HEART BREAKING!!! Mica didn't want Ted and I in the pictures with the boys, she wanted them all to herself. Typical girl!


My Playlist

I went to http://www.playlist.com and I was looking for the song from "The Man From Snowy River". THEY DON'T HAVE IT, But I found a place where you can add songs to the site so that the song can be on your playlist. I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. I found some of the songs on a MP3 website and I downloaded them, but I still couldn't get them uploaded onto the playlist site. Do any of you smarties out there know how the accomplish this? Thanks

Sleeping Troubles

I have not been able to sleep lately. I lay in bed, staring at nothing willing myself to sleep. Then I finally get sick just laying there and I get up and clean something thinking that it will make me tired. I lay back down, nothing. I can not sleep. I finally drift off into a restless slumber and then my eyes pop open and I look at the clock. It is time to wake up. I do not feel rested and I just want to sleep, a dreamless deep sleep. But no, I have to start my day. I was thinking what do I need to fall asleep. I remember growing up we would fall asleep to the sound of Mom playing the piano or to the sound of M*A*S*H. It came on after the 10:00 evening news. I found a couple of songs that I remember Mom playing (I am looking for more) and the beloved song from M*A*S*H (except I couldn't find just the instrumental version, this one someone is singing...Not as good as the TV Theme) I can see Hawkeye running to the Helicopter as we speak. So while posting these songs on my blog may not help me sleep tonight, maybe the comforting memory will. LETS HOPE!!


Mica wants to help...

Mica came running in and wants to help "Mama on the pooter!" So the rest of this blog is her's. 'zx c jnnnnnnnnnbolc vjjjh478u8907001

Our Weekend

We started our weekend with me taking Friday off work. We left the kids with Ted's Mom and drove to Evanston. Ted had an appointment with his podiatrist. (always fun) The Doctor said that Ted had a fractured foot and probably had for a couple of years. We asked about all the X-rays Ted has had over the years on that foot. Apparently it is a hard fracture to see unless you have a MRI. So however many years later and an MRI we have our answer to his discomfort. The remedy: Surgery! When Ted can no longer live with the pain they will fuse his joints in his foot together. He will still have normal walking motion but there will be no side to side motion. Ted's first thoughts..."What about hunting? How will I walk on rocky terrain in the mountains?" His second thought..."Will I still be able to Run?" at which I must apologize because I began to laugh. For those of you who have seen us, you know we are not runners. But Ted was thinking about if the kids were in danger, could he run and save them. The answer, NO. The Doctor then amended that answer to "Well, maybe a jog. But no sprinting!" The healing time, 2 to 3 months. So we are holding off on surgery and Ted is living with the pain. After the appointment we went School shopping! (Even more fun!) Can anyone tell me why a Kindergartner needs 20 glue sticks? I got everything the boys needed for school but I grumbled about it the entire time. We not only have to buy the supplies, but then give them a check that is to be used as a "materials fee". I bought the materials, why am I paying a fee? Enough of that rant. Friday night Ted, Carson and Nick went down town for the Relay for Life concert sponsored by the American Cancer Association. Ted's brother Dugan was playing drums in the band. Mica fell asleep, so I stayed home with her. Saturday Ted worked and the kids and I did our household chores and just played around. We were going to go for a walk and play at the park when Ted got home, but again Mica fell asleep, so Ted and the boys went while I stayed home. Then on Sunday after church, it happened. All of us were awake and we spent time together as a family!! YAAAHOOOO! I have some pictures I will post them later.


Happy Birthday Mom!

We hope that you had a wonderful birthday. The kids were so excited to sing to you today. Thanks for being you! Love Ya!


Wonderful Wyoming Weather

IT RAINED...twice in one week! How unusually awesome is that. We seldom get much rain and getting two storms in one week is blog worthy. Many homes and businesses flooded but that was because they are all down hill. Another plus to living on top of the hill! We had a flash flood warning as well, but the river didn't swell too much. As I was floating down the river, I mean driving on main street, everything smelled so good. I love what rain does, it is wonderful. Everything looks better after a good rain! The power went out to half of town, I was one of the lucky ones who didn't loose power. The church had no power, but God works in mysterious ways just before Sacrament Meeting the power returned. (we have sacrament meeting last)

Mica is singing WHAT?

Micalyn was singing and dancing this morning before Church. Her choice of song was very interesting to say the least.

Isn't she just beautiful!


Wyoming State Troopers

In most of the northern states, there is a policy of checking on any stalled vehicle on the highway when the temperatures drop into single digits or below. One morning in March 2004 at about 3 AM a Wyoming State Trooper responded to a call of a car off the shoulder just outside Casper. The Trooper located the car, with the engine still running, stuck in the deep snow along the side of the highway. Pulling in behind it with his emergency lights on, the Officer walked to the driver's door to find a man passed out behind the wheel and a near empty bottle of vodka in the seat beside him. The Trooper tapped on the window ans the driver woke up, seeing the rotating lights in his rear view mirror and the State Policeman standing next to his car, the man panicked. He jerked the gearshift into drive and hit the gas. The speedometer was showing 20 - 30 - 40 then 50 MPH but it was still stuck in the snow. The Trooper, having a sense of humor, began running in place next to the "speeding", but still stationary car. The driver was totally freaked, thinking the officer was actually keeping up with him. This goes on for about 30 seconds when the Trooper yelled at the man ordering him to "pull over!" The driver obeyed, used his blinker, turned his wheel and stopped his engine. Once out of the car the drunken driver asked about the Troopers special training and just how he could possibly run 50 MPH. The man was arrested, still believing that a Trooper had out run his car.


Viva Naughton

We spent last weekend just outside Kemmerer at Lake Viva Naughton. We camped, Carson Fished, I read, Nick and Mica became fire masters and Ted played on his boat. We had fun! We camped near a little cove, if we were in Italy we would have camped in the heal, We had Cows just across the cove from us and Mica was excited to see "Aminals". We also shared the lake with ducks and pelicans.Carson was all about the fishing. He ALMOST caught 3 fish! I will say that he doesn't have the patience for it. Every 5 minutes he was having Ted move the boat. He did finally sit in the boat by the shore and fish for quite a while. So Cute. I took up some Swedish fish because those are the only fish I will serve, and I didn't want Carson to come home empty handed. It wasn't the fish he was hoping for but he got awful happy when he saw them.My kids have yet to master posing for the camera...Maybe my husband can teach them a few things...I say "Ted" he stops and smiles. How great is that. I have trained him well. And last but not least.... THE BOAT!


Dad has a reason to party!

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope that you have had a great day. Love you.

Forwarding Email

Beth sent me an email that was funny and cute so I am passing parts of it on. I actually forwarded the email to a few people then decided to just post parts of it. So here it goes...(If you can't read what the caption says click on the picture to enlarge)This blond woman seems to be a little "backwards". Alas, I have done this one before, but it is funnier when it is someone else!Wonderful words to live by, don't you think?I would never buy this fridge magnet, but come on that is funny.I wonder how big the road kill has to be before someone will move it off the road?Yes, the noise from the jack hammers is very unnerving to an unborn child, much more then say the cigarette the mom is smoking! SERIOUSLY?

Last but not least....

What do you want to be when you grow up?