
Forwarding Email

Beth sent me an email that was funny and cute so I am passing parts of it on. I actually forwarded the email to a few people then decided to just post parts of it. So here it goes...(If you can't read what the caption says click on the picture to enlarge)This blond woman seems to be a little "backwards". Alas, I have done this one before, but it is funnier when it is someone else!Wonderful words to live by, don't you think?I would never buy this fridge magnet, but come on that is funny.I wonder how big the road kill has to be before someone will move it off the road?Yes, the noise from the jack hammers is very unnerving to an unborn child, much more then say the cigarette the mom is smoking! SERIOUSLY?

Last but not least....

What do you want to be when you grow up?

1 comment:

Papa and Mama said...

Too Too funny. I thought I would die laughing. I love the little government worker. Road kill is not bad either! Or should I say is really bad.