
Nick is 6

It is Nick's Birthday today. He was excited. (Mom was unprepared!) I was out of Milk this morning and I wanted to make Nick some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. So I started the dough and thought when Ted gets home from work a little after 7 am this morning I will go to the store and get the milk and other items I am in need of. Ted came home, the kids woke up and still I didn't make it to the store right away. The boys went with Ted to the dump so I took Micalyn to the store with me. (The boys were so excited to take a trip to dump stuff off at the land fill.) Finally just as the boys were getting back from the dump Micalyn and I had breakfast all done. Nick was a little upset, he had wanted to go to Grandma Sherry's house when they were done at the land fill but I had them come home for breakfast, when Nick saw the Cinnamon Rolls with frosting loaded on top he forgot that he was upset and he got that familiar twinkle in his eye. He sure enjoyed his Birthday Breakfast. Then he played and went to see his Grandma. When he got home we had Nick and Carson's friend and his little sister (who is friends with Mica) come over and we had Nick's Choice of what ever he wanted for Dinner...we had Breakfast Burritos! That is what the boy wanted, so that is what I made. Then we opened his presents and had cake and ice cream. Nick, I remember holding you six years ago. Your birth was a traumatic one and I was just glad to have you with us. You were so different from your older brother Carson. Carson was 17 months old and into everything, he was even talking in complete sentences. He seemed so grown up, and then I had you. A small, well tempered boy. With beautiful dark skin, and black hair. I remember saying "God knew I needed you!" Carson was always on the go and you were just content to sit and be still. What a breath of fresh air, well my son, you have grown and become quite mischievous, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I can look at you and see the wheels turning, I see it in your face when an idea sticks. I also see the gleam in your eyes when the plan has taken form and you are ready to act on it. I love you bunches and hope you will always come to me in quite moments, give me a hug and say "Um, Mom. I love you" Happy Birthday Angel number 2!


Papa and Mama said...

I love you Nick. I hope you had a very happy birthday. You always bring such joy into my heart every time I see you. I am glad you made it to earth and that you are a part my my eternal family. I love you!

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday Nick! Emma wants you to know that she thinks you are a sweet boy. We all hope your birthday was a great one.

The Kairigi Family said...

Nick, It is several days after your birthday but we wanted to let you know that we Wish you a Happy belated Birthday. We are sure you had a lot of fun on your special day. We love you and Miss the entire Carlson Family.

Alice and the Girls.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, I found your blog! It's Telicia. Wanted you to know that I also have blog - hopefully we can keep in touch: www.teliciamaya.blogspot.com

Ruth said...

Happy birthday Nick! and you too Carolyn!