I need to get it together! I have been working a lot lately and am using that as my excuse for not having much contact with the world these days. So now that I am back to part time (hopefully for a while) I will try to take the time to do some updateing on our family blog. So, when I have more then a minute I will try to do some much needed catching up.
Hey there
Thanks so much for helping out with my blog. I just love it!!! and yours is fabulous as always. I have not blogged for a while too and I need to do so..probably over the weekend.
You are doing almost as bad as me. I am trying to get back into blogging.
Yes, Carolyn, I understand being so busy, but I now regularly check your site for updates, so get going!!! I'm glad you found our site, and from there you can also see how our family is growing. Besides my grandchildren (currently 2 8/9), one of the things I'm really enjoying is keeping track of people we knew when they were kids, and now they have kids of their own. Life is so much fun! I can't get over how much your kids have grown (of course, it has been a few years since I last saw you). Keep enjoying them!
And while you've got some extra free time, why don't you plan an enrichment activity? Just kidding!! (really)
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