
Does this post really need a title?

I am not really blogging about anything in particular so I didn't know what to title this as. I finally added some recipes to my recipe blog, so feel free to check it out. Things have settled down at home, we are still fighting off the Kemmerer Crud (also known as cold, flu, sinus or ear infections) and I can't wait for it to leave our house! I am feeling the Winter Blues and I am needing Spring and warm weather to lift me up out of it, I really want to spend some time outside and not have to worry about frost bite! I am planning on going to Saratoga this weekend with the kids, Ted has to work so he will stay home. Next weekend we will probably make an appearence in Logan for Emma's birthday party. So, I think that I will quit rambleing and I will post when I actually have something to write about. Till next time America...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Okay .. get off of "Face-Plant" and start posting here again. Just kidding! I have the same problem.