
Welcoming Chrislyn

This beautiful little girl is our newest addition to the family. Chrislyn Rose Carlson was born on Monday July 12th at 10:10 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long. She has been a wonderful baby, she sleeps well. I on the other hand do not. Whoever said you should sleep when your baby sleeps, was not a mother of 4!
She has been smothered in hugs and kisses from her older siblings. She has been a great blessing to our family and is truly loved by all.


Mar~ said...


Carolyn said...

Thank you! I find myself just staring at her all day!

Melanie said...

She is so cute! Can't wait to hold her.

Ruth said...

She is a cutie, I love her little face. In that second picture she reminds me of Nick. Congrats on the cool baby!

Paige Whitney Phillips said...

She's all right!! ;D