
Drama, Drama, Drama...

Well, let me see where do I start, Nick and Carson are finally feeling better. Just in time for Mica to get a fever. Ed and Sherry made it back from the Mayo Clinic in Arizona on Thursday. Ed was diagnosed with Manganese (Spelling?) It is managable, but for now not curable. Then this morning, a little after nine the sherrif's dispatch called to let me know that Sherry (My mother in law) had fallen and her hip had popped out of place. I bundled up Micalyn and we took off for Ed and Sherry's house. Carson and Nick had spent the night at her house and were there alone with her. It turns out that Sherry was cleaning the toilet and her hips started to hurt, so Carson ran and got the phone so she could call for help and Nick went and got her crutches for her. She was still upright in the bathroom until she grabbed the second crutch, this threw off her balance and down she went. She called 911 who called me and an ambulance, but no one could get a hold of Ed. I got to Sherry's and did what I could to comfort the boys. They were doing alright until I told them how proud I was of them for taking care of their Grandma, they both burst into tears and just wanted to go home. I went and found Ed and took him to Sherry. Then I took my kids home just in time for President Hinkley's Funeral. The kids and I watched this and then Ed called with an update. The doctors can not keep her hip in place and they are transporting her to LDS Hospital in Salt Lake. So for today that is about all the drama my little boys can handle, they come off as rough and tough, but they sure are sensative and loving little boys. To be honest, That is all the drama I can handle for one day as well. Well, back to my Saturday chores.

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