
Nick is counseling again...

When I went to pick Nick up today from pre-school he informed me that his friend Zachary is still crying because he misses his Mom. Nick said, and I quote, "I invited Zachary to my house so we can work on his problem. His problem is that he is still crying. So I told Zacahry that I live in the house next to the blue truck and if he can come over and be at my house and there will be a mom there, just not his mom. I think that will work. But you are not his mom, you are my mom and he is just going to borrow you."


Ruth said...

Send him my way, we could use him at our house. Spencer was just telling me his mind was saying one thing and his brain was telling him something different. He is not sure which one to trust. Can you help Dr. Nick?

Papa and Mama said...

Nick is going to keep us laughting all of our lives. He could turn into a pretty good counseler.
Love Mom