
They really do love each other!!!

The kids and I were going to ride our bikes to School and work today. I would pull Mica behind me in her "carriage" and we would ride to the Elementary and drop the boys off and then on to my work. I thought it would be fun and give us some exercise. Ted and Carson went over to Ed and Sherry's house last night to get Carson's bike and it was gone. Someone had stolen his bike. (Luckily Mica's Mustang was still there!) Ted and Carson called me to tell me about it and Carson was understandably upset. Ted told him they would drive around looking for the bike. I told Nick what had happened and he was more upset then Carson. He kept saying "How could someone do this to my brother?" He cried and said when he grew up that he would find who stole the bike and get the bike back for Carson. When Carson and Ted got home (without finding the bike) Nick hugged Carson and said that they could share Nick's bike. How awesome. Carson smiled, hugged Nick back and said "Thanks, Buddy." Wonderful. My boys really do love each other.


Jen said...

Is the bike still missing? That is so sad. We have an extra, but it is very "girl".

Julie AK24 said...

I also have extra bikes and my is a boys bike